2. A picture of it.
3. How many times did your hp get tortured by you?
erm..teda pn..
4. Which part of your hp u hate the most and why?
butang mo tekan kamera tu..rosak sdh..haha..susah mo tekan..telampau begambar kali..=p
5. Which part of your hp you like most and why?
keypad..tu reason utama napa ak mo beli hp ni..best mo tekan...
6. What icon do you like the most?
7. What else to change to become a perfect hp?
erm...ntah la..mo pki hard disk ble ka?supaya mesej tak pyh ada limit..ble simpan beribu2 mesej.=p
8. You need a handphone because?
uiks..keperluan penting bh sekarang ni..klu ada apa2 senang mo cari.
9. Who bought this handphone for you?
sendiri beli bh...duit gaji keja jd kerani juga..
10. With the total amount of your hp price, what could you buy others than hp?
dui..apa ya?? top up celcom RM10 50 keping kali..haha..bnyk kn?
11. Is your hp model popular in the market?
erm..biasa jak..ramai gak pengguna hp ni
12. Describe yourself as a smart hp user?
smart user??erm...owez scan virus..haha..
13. How often do u charge your hp?
tiap ari..sebab klu tak guna utk sms, hp tu akan guna utk dgr2 lagu gak..
14. Estimate, how long could your hp survive?
uiks..ok jak hp ni..hope tahan lama lg..
15. Actually are you interested in hp?
minat...ak mo pki hp canggih2 juga..tp tgk keadaan la nnt..
16. Are u happy with your hp condition now?
hepy..sbb msh ble amek gmbr n dgr lagu..
17. Every morning, what is the first thing u do with your hp?
tgk jam..(hp ni jam ak juga), tgk msg..kdg2 tgh besiap g keja, dgr lagu dulu..:)
18. Imagine someone takes your hp away for 1 day.. What would happens?
baru jak td tefikir2 mo kasi hp ni jap ngn sorg tu..mo suh amek gmbr time dia sukan..tp hp ni no hp utama ku..klu ada org pntg cari, susah pl kn..
19. No hp no life. agree or bullshit?
20. tag 4 sexy phone users.
1. Ady
2. Kak Rahma
3. Azy
4. Xoxo
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